3 of cups love
3 of cups love

3 of cups love

Money: When the Three of Cups celebration card comes up in finances, it is always an indication there has been an upturn in your prosperity. Right is so close you can just about reach out and touch him. If you are looking for a new love, it usually means that Mr. It can get tricky about what you are celebrating when it comes to love for there is always the situation of be careful what you ask for.

3 of cups love

Love: Sometimes this card will imply a love showing up from the past or a love that you thought was lost, returns. If looking for work, that new position is definitely right around the corner. New job offers, promotions or an acknowledgement of doing a good job by your boss. Career, Love, Money, Health, SpiritualityĬareer: The Three of Cups is definitely a good card to pull when it comes to your job. It shows that you will be able to look forward to something that gives you a good feeling, a reunion of old friends or old lovers coming together again. In general, this is card that things are going fairly well with the people in your life. Whichever it is, this card reversed is saying either you have been doing too much partying and time to slow down or you if your phone has stopped ringing from your old friends, time to make some new ones.

3 of cups love

It can get a little closer to home with you feeling left out of the celebrations going on around you. It can also indicate that you have become bored with your set of friends and are feeling that it might be time to move on to a new social circle. You may need some alone time to regenerate.


While the Three of Cups is about sharing good times with friends, family or a partner in a social situation, when the card is reversed, it suggests that all that socializing might be getting on your nerves and you prefer to just stay at home and watch a good movie in your pajamas.

3 of cups love

This celebration of friendship, family and love does not always mean that it is directly centered around you but also being part of the environment. This card is about connection is a very positive way, coming together with like-minded people that enjoy the same things you do or just being part of someone else’s celebration. The Three of Cups has strong creative energy and may indicate being with a group that allows you to express yourself in a way you would normally not do by yourself such as a dance or art class, joining a singing choir…anything that brings out a sense of comradery with others while enjoying yourself and those around you. Your best friend’s marriage or your own! The energy is high and comes together with amazing accomplishments. Someone you love very much and has just given birth to her first baby. It is not necessarily always your joyous occasion but sharing it with someone that you care about. well….be joyous! It is the energy of togetherness, sharing, giving, receiving love, support and compassion, regardless of what the situation is. This card encourages you to spend time with people you care about, celebrate others happiness, make the most out of even the smallest opportunity to……. The Three of Cups is a card of celebrating what brings you joy, feelings of closeness, sisterhood and close ties with those you care about not necessarily always of a romantic kind but encompassing almost any life experience that unconditional love is the source and collaboration. This will especially be prominent in the reading if hard times have been experienced prior. “Something” has happened or getting ready to happen that will be a happy occasion whether it be a birth, a new job, a new marriage or relationship where you feel blessed. When the Three of Cups shows up in a reading, I always know good feelings of friendship, family connections or just a general celebration of life is going on. Celebration of Life with Three of Cups Tarot

3 of cups love